Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gems - 80's Miami Leather Jacket


Red and black leather? Sign me up. This beauty was spotted in a Goodwill so while the previous owner was obviously thoughtful and generous for donating priceless items such as this, why he would ever give this baby up escapes me. It's from the beauty of a decade that was the 80's so its definitely throwback but not so old that you have to use terms like, "retro" or "vintage" that would instantly cancel out the cool of the jacket. All this needs is a snapback and a pair of Ray-Bans and you're golden. Straight legendary.


  1. The Redhawks didn't exist until 2000, bro. We were the Redskins. So sadly, this isn't from the 80s, it's just ugly.

  2. pretty sure they meant 80's style so chill, bro
