Thursday, October 27, 2011

Gem- Occupy Herbstreit

        Illustrious contributor Sandy Brofax just brought this wonderful, wonderful website to my attention. Just the definition of a gem. It's called "Occupy Herbstreit." If the whole "Occupy" movement wasn't enough of a punchline on it's own, this is just the icing on the proverbial cake (Thank you, Marie Antoinette). I mean, the whole idea is pure gold but each sign is better than the next. And I love the tribute to Wilson Wilson Jr.  Here are a few of my favorite ones, but you can check out the whole site HERE. 

Football's 1% 
Herbstreit's takin' over. 
Bill Cosby as a poster boy for the 1%? 

You're Killin' Me Smalls/Style: No Homo - The All-Nighter

          The all-nighter. The ultimate broner shrinker. Let's face it: academics, unwisely, have taken a backseat. You've spent your weeks previous punishing your body with one too many Naturals, Netflixing endlessly, texting that blonde smokeshow from that one class, and generally not giving a damn. In a drunken stupor, you check your iCal--big mistake--and see that glaring project, that inescapable midterm. You're toast.

          The all-nighter, much like drinking to excess and poor dining habits, is a collegiate classic. It is ingrained into our minds and our repertoire; we pout, we shout "Never again! I will not procrastinate!" but, like herpes, that shit always comes back.*

"Who says you can't do it all in one night?" Sounds like a challenge.

          As you head to King, you check your bag, stocked as if it's December 31, 1999. You have a can of Skoal, a pack of Camels, copious amounts of your favorite caffeinated sugar water, and a bloodstream so full of prescription stimulants that Charlie Sheen would blush. The big question, however, is how to dress for the occasion.

          I am positive many of you have heard the phrase "Dress well, test well" and, while the only thing you are testing is your ability to avoid Facebook and Twitter, you are nonetheless against greater odds. The thought of sleep. The painful hunger. The drowsiness. You need to be up to the challenge, and there is no better way to fight the good fight than a well-constructed outfit.

          Sure, there will be kids who argue for comfort. These kids are the ones to show up in ratty lax shorts, a three-day-old t-shirt, and a hat. My best advice? Avoid it. As I construct this, it is 6:45 AM and I have been awake for the greater part of a day and a half. I'm rocking loafers, chinos, and a button down. I am both confident and sound, complete with a certain attitude comparable to peacocking. The kid who showed up comfortably is drooling on his MacBook while I pound out problem sets and silly articles like this. I'm in for the kill with my eye in the sight and finger on the trigger.

          In essence, my advice is such: preparation is key and Lord knows a bro loves to dominate, hence the need to dress accordingly. Plus, if you get fucked, well, at least you looked good.

          -Sandy Brofax 

*Sandy Brofax is STD free. Hey, ladies.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Slut Scavenger Hunt: A Checklist

          All Hallows Eve is by far my favorite holiday; you get to dress slutty, eat candy, and sleep around with no judgment. It’s actually encouraged to go drink and not spend any time bonding with your family. I’d like to see that encouraged on Easter Sunday. To make Halloween last as long as possible I put together a little scavenger hunt. This should be an entertaining game as you gaze out your window hung over as fuck this weekend. It’s easy to spot these girls from a mile away;  it’s as if a Ke$ha and Michael Jackson are shooting a music video on your street. They are the display of glitter, TV stars, and lady Gagas taking the walk of shame. You’ve been waiting for this all month, every girl you know has Halloweenorexia and every guy’s planning Halloweenigans. Best of all, the amount of walkers quadruples, who didn’t go home with some slut in a fairy costume last night? Here’s a short list of what you should be on the lookout for. Hell, let’s turn it into a drinking game and rally our hearts out, Oxford.

1. Superwoman- Growing popularity in tight, spandex, whortastic superhero costumes ensures you’ll see all the marvel heroes you whacked the ham to in sixth grade. Check it off early and take a shot.

2. Loud, obnoxious male costumes. These guys are the ones that strike out at the bar every week. They think dressing as a gynecologist or giant boob is hilarious and the key to going home with the unsuspecting blacked out girl from their history class. Don’t drink to this, just throw something at him and call him a GDI.

3. Token ugly chick. The girl who wore so much make-up and a costume fitted to all the right places to finally get laid by someone decently attractive. Morning come the dude sobered up and kicked her the fuck out. Take two shots for this one, one for you and one for that poor schmuck.

4. Alumni, its homecoming after all. It has to be clear this is a walk of shame. Leaving a dorm or house disheveled removes all doubt. If you happen to see an alumni in costume twitpic it to us and we’ll give you a shot. Not really, but we’d still like to see it.

5. The hot chick that you aren’t really sure if it’s a costume or she just dresses like a slut. She’s attractive, wearing a trendy, flattering outfit, and clearly on the walk of shame. She keeps her head high like the seasoned veteran that she is. Take a shot if you’ve bagged her, otherwise let her pass like a champ. 

6. The creative costume. God help you if these people got laid and you didn’t. They are wearing some outrageously bulky “clever” outfit that usually involves a lot of cardboard. You have no clue how they maneuvered around a party or bar without getting the shit beaten out of them let alone finding someone who’d bang them. Seriously, how did they pee in that monstrosity? More importantly, how’d you end up alone if they still scored?  Take a shot out of disgrace if this one applies to you. 

7. Me, you’d better believe I’m not going home alone. If I see you taking a shot, I’ll wave and think you’re a sterile geriatric fuck who failed to complete the sole task of every male celebrating Halloween. Better luck next year.

You both look terrible. You were made for each other. 

Happy Hunting Bitches!
-Lindsay Brohan 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ding Dong the Bitch is Back.

          I know I've been fairly off the radar since heading off to Ireland to be a professional at life but worry not my little skanks, the bitch is back. After trudging drunkenly through Ginger Island for the last three months I've realized how much I miss the land of the brave and more specifically Oxvegas. What have I been missing specifically you ask? (If you didn't ask quite frankly I don't give a fuck you're going to read what I have to say and you're going to like it.)

Ding, Dong, the Bitch is Back. 

1. Townies: Having a population of toothless individuals to boost your self confidence on a regular basis is a gift. I've learned to truly appreciate our creepy little townie community, plus they're slightly less aggressive than Ireland townies also referred to as gypsies..they're real, and they're horrifying. Fun fact, there is a real life gypsy king and unfortunately he wouldn't lend me his tears. 

2. Shenanigans: I rely quite heavily on the idiocy of my peers at Miami to keep me entertained. Going throughout life for the last ninety days without a Police Beat has been northing short of traumatic. 

3. McCullough-Hyde aka Mc Kill em and Hide em: Maybe this is just me, but I miss the hospitable staff of McCullough-Hide hospital. I would imagine since I provide them with drunken entertainment at least once every three months the nurses are probably assuming I've gone and drank myself to death..or something less depressing. Luckily Halloween is coming up so there's still time for me to make an appearance. Stumbling into the hospy dressed up in some sort of whore-like attire should probably do the trick. 

4. King Lib: Ohhh yes, I miss this place. I can't wait to frequent King Library strictly for socializing purposes. I can't tell you the last time I actually did work in this place but fuck serve me up a 500 calorie Starbucks mocha (Ya..they are actually 500 calories in those so remember that ladies next time you're guzzling one down and thinking "oh my goddd i like totes can't lose any weight" It's because you're basically drinking lard) and I'll sit there all damn day pretending to do work.

          Heed my careful bitches because I'm coming back, and I'm ready to rant my ass off. So next time you decide to take a drunken tumble down the stairs at brick street and cry about it just remember..I'm probably 1. at the bar taking a starry night shot, laughing at you, and judging you mercilessly and 2. going to write about it and make you sound about a thousand times worse than actuality. So stay pretty Miami.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Art of Jersey Chasing

          With each new academic year, fresh jersey chasers (for you freshmen that don't know anything: sports groupies) come creeping out of their "modest" framework. With a diverse array of sports here at Miami there is a jersey for every lonely sorority girl out there, but for those new to this fast paced game here’s a look into the art of jersey chasing.
          There are three levels, just like any other sport here, varsity, club, and intramural. The “field” is any party or local bar, the "players" are the ladies (ironic, huh?), and the score is pretty self explanatory.

Kris Humphries, Brett Locker, Reggie Bush, etc.
kim's the captain of the Varsity team.

Varsity: These chicks are pros. They know the sport, jersey number, and frequented locations of the target. They know the hook-up is meaningless and just another notch on their hockey stick. No feelings=no problem. The team member in question has probably already heard of her and her past athletic conquests.  Unabashed flirting, excessive alcohol, perfectly placed compliments and “that’s SO impressive!” face and the score comes easier than the members of Lonely Island.  
Note: Varsity level takes serious practice, stretching, commitment, and being at least an 8 out of 10. Brohan and the rest of the Brohio staff cannot be held responsible for any injuries resulting in the pursuit of this status.

Club: For the jersey chasers that have a competitive edge but lack the full resources to go pro. These girls are usually 6-7s and attend the clubs games hoping to scope out possible hook-ups. They’re casual, flirty, and get wasted so they can shamelessly attack the club lacrosse players. Why does this work? Club sports players love getting recognition for their hard work on the field and in the sack, making them a fairly easy target to practice your skills on.

Intramural: Consider these lovely ladies the wildcard of the chaser breed. They can go for any level of athlete and their looks can range from 6s to solid dimes. What differentiates these girls is the fact that they will deny any jersey chasing motives till kingdom come. They are simply interested in “that type of guy” not what sport they play or how impressive their record is. Hence the "I don’t care what level I am I just want to play" mentality. They also don’t do any field research before the pounce. They catch a glimpse at a bar or party and immediately open the game with the “I had no idea you were on the team, that’s so cool tell me all about it; I don’t understand the rules at all” card.

          That pretty much covers the bases on the absurd new sport that is Jersey Chasing. Interested in going pro? Find a varsity level player, suck up for tips, and wear something low cut. Obviously attend as many sports events as possible and show your fucking support for the Redhawks. No matter whom you are or what your experience is you are only a hop skip and a jump from being a key player on Miami’s team of athlete hunting harlots. Well, if you are decently attractive that is.

          Good luck to the newbies and I’ll see you on the field.

-Lindsay Brohan

Gems - Mustache Rides, Anyone?

          Don't mess with Texas. Derek Holland's mustache was clearly the star of the game last night. Forget his superior skills on the mound, the mustache is the source of all his talent. Cleat chasers lining up for mustache rides left and right. Seriously though, if (when) the Texas Rangers win the World Series only address me as Big Tex (for at least a week). And who saw W throw out that first pitch? Just a liiittle worse than John Lackey, but W probably wasn't throwing back beers in the clubhouse (more like Maker's or Johnny Walker Blue) Stick to golfing, Mr. President. 

Miami Memories

         Every good bro has had that moment where he wakes up the morning after a hard blackout with hang over and no memory of what went down the night before. I know I've a few awkward mornings already, and I've only been here 3 months. Some of these blackouts made pretty good stories afterword, but there are a few that I would never want to repeat. 
I want to hear the best stories from the elder bros of Miami. I know everyone has that one ridiculous story they love to tell, or that one night that was so fucked up, they don't want any of their friends to know about it. Send me your best stories of blackout nights with awkward mornings and I'll post a few of the best for everyone to read. 

          This is your chance to anonymously get recognition for the most ass backwords night of your life or get recognition and subsiquent braggin rights for having one of the craziest blackouts of all the bros at Miami. The story that the Miami of Brohio staff decides is the best of the best will get some official MoB prizes. #MiamiofBrohioswag
          So send your stories to Names are optional, but ridiculousness is absolutely mandatory.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Need a Vacation From That Vacation

        One day off? Horseshit, Miami. Give me a Monday off and I will start writing my alumni donor checks now. Give me a Friday off and I won't even notice. We all know the amount of effort put in on Fridays is laughable anyway so giving us an official day off on a Friday is a literal slap in the face. "Hey students,  need a break? We'll pretend to give you one!"How fucking kind of you. 
Such a tease. 
         And after the way most of us treated fall break, partying with friends at neighboring schools, taking over the empty-ish bars uptown, regurgitating homemade meals and getting blackout with friends from home, we all need a break to catch up. If you're an athlete you honestly didn't have a fall break (just like you never have free time anyway). Other schools get legitimate fall breaks (I'm talking a week to ten days. Is that ridiculous or what?) and I hate them for that and my hate is directly derived from pure jealousy. It's currently 2:34 am Tuesday morning and I should be making my way back from Karaoke but instead I'm doing work I ignored over my "relaxing" break and ranting about my irresponsible habits. So Miami, if you could cater to my personal priorities and lackluster work ethic, that would be greatly appreciated. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Insight into A PostGrad Gentleman’s Liquor Cabinet

           A familiar scenario: It’s Friday. You’re waking up between noon and one pm. If you’re doing things correctly, you skipped your Friday college curriculars or you scheduled so you don’t have them. Tonight you’re planning on doing a solid pregame with your bros and a couple of the sorosties from across the street. In the kitchen you have…
1) Natty’s. Standard. Expected. Actually, I’m surprised you still have some left over from last night.
2) Nothing else. You can’t quit while you’re ahead, because you’re already behind. Hell, you ate shit hopping the first hurdle.

         You wake up your housemates to go grab some McDoubles and then head to the liquor store. Here in lies the question: What should we buy? Here is a short guide of various alcoholic beverages (some you probably haven’t tried) for multifarious situations so you look more like a stud and less like a clown.

Be able to distinguish oneself from the crowds of mediocrity. 

-Beer. An essential in a collegiate household (or a normal one) at all times. Despite popular belief, light beer isn’t good or appropriate at all times. “Bro, I drink frat water like it’s my job”. I’m sure you do. We all do or did. Over time your beer taste buds will mature, like that awkward chick in 8th grade who ended up being a mega babe senior year of high school.
            Natty: I don’t really need to explain this. Useful in most party situations. However, Natty is cheap and it tastes like it.
            Harp Lager: A pretty damn good beer. Heavier than light beers obviously. Start with this before you move to shittier brew.
            Sam Adams Summer Ale: Yeah, it’s essentially a ‘lemonade beer’, but it’s not too sugary. Citrus flavors but still has a beer taste. Have your woman grab a couple while she’s making you a ham sandwich and bring them out to the boat. (This is sexist, just kidding. Kind of.)
            Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale: This beer is aged in decanted bourbon barrels. It’s absolutely delicious. A complete frat beer. High alcohol at 8%. This is for special occasions and for sipping during football games, (college games in my preference). Bit expensive at around $12 for 4 bottles.

-Bourbons and Whiskey’s. I’ll reiterate from my last post: Rum is the less cool little brother of these two. A Captain and Coke is okay every once and a while I suppose. “Bro, I chug Admiral Nelson like I’m dehydrated”. Cool. Are you 17 in a basement party? I didn’t think so. BW’s (bourbon whiskeys) just have a more distinct flavor, and are definitely classier.
            Old Crow: Just kidding, get the fuck out of here with this crap.
            Jim Beam Red Stag: I was at first a little turned off by this considering Jim Beam decided to use Kid Rock as it’s ambassador (Bawitaba bourbon…?). However, it’s quite tasty. Black Cherry flavor infused, and it can be drank comfortably on the rocks. Bomb with Coke. Great pregaming ammo considering it’s only 80 proof.
            Wild Turkey American Honey: Another pseudo-bourbon whiskey. Pretty sweet, not as harsh as the aforementioned ‘Stag. Can be drank on the rocks, or mixed great with ginger ale or sprite. Nice change up from normal BW’s.
            Maker’s Mark: Probably my favorite Whisky (yes, spelling is correct in this case). Caramel-ish taste with a pretty damn smooth finish. All around good stuff, very reliable. A bit stronger at 90 proof. A staple in a distinguished fraternity man’s alcohol lineup. Pro Tip: Try Maker’s Mark 46: stronger than the basic and has a more potent lingering finish. Drank a big double of this on the rocks last week and it got me moderately loose.
            Knob Creek: This stuff is strong. Good, full-bodied, and strong. At 100 proof, fill a flask of this and you will feel it, Champ. If you’re feeling risky, give the Knob Creek Single Barrel Reserve a try. It’s a whopping 120 proof.
            Basil Hayden’s Bourbon: This is the real deal. Top shelf Bourbon for a top shelf kind of guy. This is definitely for special occasions, such as formal, or the tailgate against a rival school. It’ll set you back a bit more than most. “Overpriced”, some may cry. Yeah, maybe if you can’t tell it’s good. Or if you’re a biggity bitch. However, your lady friend’s father will be impressed this is part of your BW repertoire and that it’s on your shelf.

*(I left out some obvious ones, e.g. Jack. I know you’ve had Jack, Bro. Everyone and their high school sophomore little brother have had it. It’s not one of my favorites is all)

Scotch: “And hurry up. All I’ve had today is like, six gummy bears and some scotch.” –Archer; Also Ron Burgundy’s favorite.
Auchentoshan Single Malt Scotch: I don’t drink much Scotch yet, but my grandpa did, and he spoke of this. It’s pretty good, albeit pricey. Rob Roy anyone? You don’t know what that is, again? C’mon, man.
Johnnie Walker: more accessible and a respectable bottle.

            Bombay Sapphire: Clean and tasty, considering I’m not a huge gin guy. Wide mix of flavors in one.
            Tanqueray: My mother likes this. She has good taste. Only had it once a while back.
*You need gin for a Tom Collins. You don’t know what a Tom Collins is? “You rack disciprine”. Go look it up.

Vodka: I don’t like vodka. But if I have to drink it, I’d prefer it to be top notch.
            Ciroc: Vodka I actually like. Somewhat expensive (~$40). Get this for your formal date. PS- It’s not Diddy’s vodka you noobs. He’s just the brand ambassador.

Tequila: It makes me vomit. Blacked out twice hardcore (I do NOT throw around the “blackout” term frequently and/or loosely) on it, and I’ve stayed away.
Take my advice, or don’t. You’d be smart if you did. If I come visit Brick and I see one of you dudes drinking a vodka cranberry, I’m going to pull a Farva and punchasize your face for free.

-The Brofessor

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Broner Jams - Volume II

I pray to god all of you in Oxford know the name Jermaine Cole. If you don’t, take a lap. Seriously, J Cole as he goes by, is the best thing in the rap game as of now. I have been following this dude for a couple years now and trust me he is the best in the business. Not only does he put some sick flows together but unlike most of his peers he actually produces his own beats and puts it all together. Anyways, a couple weeks ago his newest release came out and it will probably be up for rap album of the year. I highly recommend BUYING (yes actually paying for) Cole World: The Sideline Story because; 1.) It’s that good, and 2.) Support actual rap music. Here’s a pretty upbeat song from this album that I think everyone can enjoy….

Here is a link for the song (Free of course), for all you Steve Jobs fans out there just right click the link and hit save file as, save it to your desktop, and then open it and it will directly add it to your Itunes!

Pulling a little 180 here and going to a complete different genre of music, I want to take a moment to talk about the ridiculous talent that is Justin Vernon and the group Bon Iver (pronounced Bon-ee-varih….I won’t refrain from calling you out if I hear you mispronounce it in King when you show your friends this, get it fucking right). Anyways, Vernon has been all over the folk-indie scene for some time but this group “Bon Iver” is just something special. Hands down in my top 3 favorite artists at the moment and the song I am about to give you had quickly become one of my most played songs on Itunes. This is relaxing music. Quaint music. Study music. Whatever have you. It makes you feel something, which hardly any music can do nowadays. Don’t be a tough-guy bro and just skip this song….give it a listen because I guarantee you will appreciate it. The recording is live by the way, so it just shows how much more kick ass this dude is. If you ever get a change to see him live, do it. Best show you’ll ever see…if you appreciate music.


And the download here.

Cover song of the week: 

-Notorious B.R.O 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Style: No Homo - Career Fair

          [Disclaimer: I, Don Vito Broleone, have been sitting on this post since he, Sandy Brofax, fucking wrote it on the Wednesday of career fair and am just now getting around to posting it. In the words of the illustrious Dwayne Michael Carter, sorry for the wait.]

          As I construct the following column, it is 7:30 PM on Wednesday evening. Today was our university’s illustrious Career Fair and, for some, the social event of the season. While I debated gracing those less-than-fortunate-to-be-employed souls with my presence, I figured already having an offer beat a boatload of free pens and acting as if I cared. Hey, I’m graduating.
            Regardless, this evening was spent dining with my father and sister at one of our uptown eateries. As we departed, I could not help but notice the overwhelming number of dudes dressed in what they considered to be their finest threads. A sartorial aficionado, it took every bit of willpower (again, I have little—I’m graduating) to not point and laugh.
            If you were one of the lucky enough souls to have somehow impressed a recruiter enough to score an interview, please heed the following pieces of advice as they may very well be the difference between a shitty studio apartment in Brooklyn versus a shitty studio apartment in your parents’ basement.
Know how to look like a partner at a law firm, not the fresh-out-of-law-school kid
who has two suits and no sense of how to impress. 

  1. Black shoes, black belt. Brown shoes, brown belt. I subscribe to only wearing black shoes in weddings, funerals, or in our court systems, but if black is your only option, please get it right.
  2. Gentlemen, Sperry Top Siders are wonderful. I wear them religiously even though 95% of my experiences on boats involve those of the motor variety and a keg or six. Sperry Top Siders are not, however, business professional. Bro shoes, yes, but bros also know how to seamlessly fit in.
  3. Building off the previous point: shoes. If you own any shoes with a squared off toe, discard immediately; they are, without a doubt, the most heinous shit in menswear.
  4. I love Vineyard Vines. I really do; they made my high school’s tie and I am damn near positive I am somehow related to Baby Beluga with the amount of product I own. With that being said, your critter gear is not professional. Again, bro status, but bros know when and where to wear.
  5. The most classic shirt you can wear is either a white or blue oxford cloth shirt with either a spread/cutaway collar or a button down. If you wear a suit, opt for the former; a blazer and chinos, the latter. 
  6. If you plan to dress up at any point in your life, I swear to God, get that shit tailored. Nothing will make you look more like a child wearing dad’s clothes than ill-fitting threads. Spend good money on a good tailor—it ain’t cheap.
  7. For the love of God, polish your shoes.
  8. You need to know two tie knots: the four-in-hand and the half-Windsor. These two knots will be the key to your existence.
  9. When wearing a tie, do not unbutton the button securing your collar, lest you run the risk of looking as if you just finished swigging Olde English 800 in a bus station bathroom.
  10. Your tie should hit the center of your belt buckle. Nothing more, nothing less.
  11. Your pants should be tailored or worn to the point of a single break on the top of the shoe. This fit is comparable to the leg “touching” the shoe and the point is so that you do not look as if you are wearing MC Hammer pants.
  12. Iron your shirt.
  13. You want to differentiate and add a pocket square? Awesome. Make it crisp, clean, and white.
  14. Wear a watch. Your iPhone is not an appropriate substitute.
  15. Pleats are a no-no.
  16. I am morally opposed to socks, yet they are undoubtedly necessary from time to time. With lighter shades, use navy, and use black with black. If I see you wearing athletic socks, well, I hope you’ve stretched ‘cause it’s time to take a lap.
  17. You should know your neck size and arm length. You are a college student, so go ahead and abandon the S-M-L sizings for casual wear. Or for never.
  18. Ties should be of a solid color, of a repp or regimental variety, or of a specifc club of which you are a member.
  19. Your contrast collar shirt makes you look like you should be an extra in “Wall Street.” Do you really want that?
  20. If all else fails, wear a lax pinnie—you’ll be good to bro. Er, go. Whatever, fuck it.

-Sandy Brofax

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

You're Killin' Me Smalls - Miami's Toilet Paper is Shitty

If my body is a temple then my ass is a throne.  If you have ever been around campus when “natures called” than you probably have gone through the same painful agony I endure on a day to day basis. 
                Miami’s toilet paper is shitty.  Where do they get this crap? I’m not even sure you can call it toilet paper.  I don’t even think it’s one ply.  It’s like that super thin tissue you use to wrap presents.  And last time I checked no one’s was requesting that they get a wrapped fudge factory for their birthday.
There are a few acceptable instances when one should
invest in quality: watches, cars, education and toilet paper.
                But seriously, even if I was lucky enough to fart bubbles and crap rainbows this toilet paper still wouldn’t even be able to do its job.  So in order to get enough tissue to satisfactory do its intended job you have to use half the roll and fold it like its one Sadako’s paper cranes.  Even after all that trouble you’re hit with a paradox.  Now that you have sufficient supplies to do your job its time for moment of glory.
Was that stuff made out of sandpaper?  It just felt like the Brawny Paper Towel Man forcibly ripped off my stalls door and pillaged my hiney with his ultra absorbent 12 ply quilted specialty.  My nether regions cry out in 1000 tiny sorrowful voices.  I was just violated by compressed pulped wood.
 If you ever find yourself in Miami’s bathrooms and you can hear gentle weeping coming from the stall it’s me and now you know why.

-Double Bro Seven