Thursday, May 5, 2011

You're Killin' Me, Smalls - Packing

Having my shit this organized was a pipe dream. 
Cardboard boxes and trash bags have taken over my room and my life. I started with the notion that I was going to pack everything into neat, organized containers. Yeah, that lasted for about five minutes, if that. Stuffing things into shoddily put together boxes and random trash bags with no concern whether nasty cleats are going in with clean clothes or dishes. Bedding got bunched in with shoes and ties while hats went with books and electronic shit. There is no system and unpacking when I get home is with out a doubt going to be worse than packing. After all, shoving things into a box is never as hard as taking things out and putting them where they belong. I currently don't know where my DVDs and video games are but they aren't in plain sight so I'm hoping they made it into a bag. Then there's the debate of whether or not to keep the random shit I've acquired this year. Do I need the second orange pumpkin for Halloween next year (yes) and should I hold onto all the Arizona cans me and my roommate have hoarded this year (maybe not). All the costume-y junk that I used at random theme parties obviously are getting thrown in a box but do I really need these notebooks?(nope). The packing tape I have won't stick to shit and we wasted the bubble wrap I had (you would've done the same thing, don't judge) and I can see things on my desk that need to be packed but I physically can't get to them because of all the shit piled in between. Oh, and I still have one more final tomorrow morning, did I just pack my books? Shit. 

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