Saturday, June 25, 2011

#TextsFromUptown - Weekend of the 24th

Our first round of #TFU's came in last night. Man, there were some beauties. Here are a few:

(Church): my mouth is pure liquor. haha. evil.
(Sycamore): same i jusrt got attackke by bambi.
(Church): what a dick! dude go below the belt be like how's your mom fucker??! he won't respond but that's because he will be devastated 
(Sycamore): that would be awful. totally uncalled for he just a CHILD. 

(High): get the fuck to skippers 

(Collins:) drinkitty drinkitty drank. all the way to the bank 
(High): at brick. can't understand why youre at the bank and not here 

(Poplar): found traffic cones. which block are we claiming? 

(These are just a few of the ones we got last night. Some (most) were beyond my ability to read. But keep sending your #TFU's and maybe you'll get on the blog! Thanks and channel your inner ke$ha and send some quality #TFU's tonight.) 

1 comment:

  1. whatever happened to that muobro. that bros posts were perfect. related to that shit. stuffs still good, but its not great anymore
