Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Texts From Uptown - #TFU


         We've all done it. You're uptown at Pachinko's or New Bar or Brick for karaoke or 90's night and are a couple too many (not enough?) drinks in and your phone is suddenly in your hand and shit just happens. You text the right person, the wrong person, fucking every person in your contacts. Looking back the next morning can be painful or hilarious but either way your humiliation can be everyone else's entertainment. We'll obviously post our embarrassing Texts From Uptown but we want to hear from the rest of Oxford so submit your texts via twitter by mentioning @MiamiofBrohio and #TFU and/or #TextsFromUptown or shoot us an email at miamiofbrohio@gmail.com. We want to see the Texts From Uptown in all their misspelled, belligerent glory. 

         And without further ado, here are some of the gems me and the intern Brogina George have been tweeting about, not in conversational order. (No text was altered or grammatically fixed in any way.) 

Brogina George: So fucked hahaha i'm picking up quarters off brick street's floor for quarters for laundry (jesus christ, intern, we might pay you if you're that desperate. just kidding, we're not paying you.) 

Don Vito Broleone: haha getti g too drunk happens to the best of us. and by that i mean it happened to me tonight and im the best of us. (i know nothing but the truth.) 

DVB: blackout was three hours ago. im like supernova blackhole antimatter-out. (I have no explanation for why I got that nerdy while I was blackout. I guess im a pocket Einstein? Go with it.)

DVB: girls are hot messes. im a fucking natural disaster. (Like I said, I know nothing but the truth.) 

BG: hahahah word. fuck im about to make some sub par social decisions. fucking hormones christ....i might as well be a dude (Well, Brogina, you do write for Brohio so who knows. But easy, keep it in your pants. Jesus.) 

1 comment:

  1. this is great hahaha cant wait for this weekend to read more!
