Thursday, April 7, 2011

You're Killin Me, Smalls! - Red Sux

So I'm not technically from Boston but I basically grew up in that city on the weekends. I've been to countless games at Fenway and the old man and I have been known to enjoy crushing some quality grub at the Green Dragon. Since I consider Boston my second home, obviously I live and die with the Boston boys. I love the Bruins (Clinched Northeast Division? Hell yes) and the Celtics are doing decently well right now and we're all very excited. However, its hard to get too pumped for the rest of the Boston bros when our boys of summer are 0-6. You know what I love more than the Red Sox being 0-6 right now? People being straight assholes about it. I haven't heard anything about it from Yankees fans but eeeeveryone else seems to have something to say. I hope you all get hit in the balls by a wild pitch from Rick Vaughn. But for all the CLE bros at Miami, HOW BOUT THE TRIBE, HUH? Ugh. (In all fairness to the Tribe, they haven't done something that crazy since trading CC Sabathia) 

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