Friday, September 16, 2011

You're Killin' Me Smalls - Weather

          As you've all noticed, its been slightly colder than the usual eighty fucking five degree weather here lately....and its all I'm fucking hearing about. First it was jubilant, celebratory tweets, stati and conversation about fall, yoga pants and jokes at the kids who actually have cargo pants (to match the shorts, clearly) expense. Football is starting up and girls are talking about their "creative (slutty) yet tasteful (not tasteful)", Halloween costumes already so life is beautiful, right? Wrongo. Three days later it hits 90 and people act like they've never experienced the effects of the sun. You get the kids who still dressed for the cold/wind and are soaked through by the time they sit next you in class, awesome. Then there are the people who are dressed for the weather but just won't stop with the "Its so hot!" and "I'm melting!" Shut up, you are not the Wicked Witch of the West (Or East? IDFK) and you'll be fine. After everyone has re-acclimated to the heat, like a slap to the bag, it's windy as fuck and you have to remember to grab your Fratagonia on your way to class. Mother nature is a bitch. But not as much as the girls who have already pulled out the Uggs and the knee length parkas. Really? The switch from flip flops to Sperrys wasn't dramatic enough for you? I wish I could unleash Brogina George on every girl I see thats ridiculously overdressed. 
This is not the scenery guys are always referring to. 
          The only thing worse than seeing people pathetically prepared for changes in the weather (This happens four times a year, you should have learned how to adapt. Darwinism at work?) is seeing them tweet about it. Enough with the weather tweets. Jaysus. 
          However, I am a huge fan of fall. Yoga pants and Halloween aside, it means everyone will no longer be sweating on the walk from the pregame to uptown. It means football every Sunday and baseball might finally get interesting. It means hockey starts soon and that the NBA lockout won't end soon (wait, what?). And it means the two greatest holidays, obviously Thanksgiving and Christmas (68 days & 99 days, respectively. Stay strong), are not too far away. Whether you like the cold or not, (Please, don't talk about it) Fall is pretty decent so just watch some football, throw on a sweatshirt and respect the chill. 

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