Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Summer Playlist: Volume 1

          Last summer I heard Ke$ha's "Your Love Is My Drug" just a couple thousand times too many so we're putting together a summer playlist that doesn't suck. I'm talking, windows down, white girl jamming, good, summer shit. Every week, a few new songs to add to your rotation. This first six isn't a list of brand new songs you have never heard of before but basically just the six I got on loop right now. 

Make Some Noise - Beastie Boys: They're back and I fucking love it. 

In This Life - Mike Stud: Kid's good. Keep your eyes on him, big things coming. Hear he can play ball too...

Young & Wild & Free: Even if you don't like stoner rap or just get annoyed with every caucasian female adding #TGOD to all her tweets that hint (subtly or not so subtly) that she smokes weed and/or drinks, this is a dece song. Reminiscent of Snoop's song with Cudi last year, That Tree (the video is oddly funny)  

Freaks and Geeks - Childish Gambino: Constant flow of the best lyrics you've ever heard. If you don't know about Donald Glover aka Childish Gambino, get familiar. This kid is unreal. 

Temptations - Gorilla Warfare Tactics: This shit is just catchy as helll. 

Oh No - Girl Talk: If you still aren't on Girl Talk's shit, then his album All Day will change your mind instantly. This is the first song from the album and has one of my favorite intros. Solid song. 

1 comment:

  1. You can probably stop just reposting what Camelback puts up...nice try though
