Monday, June 6, 2011

9 to 5 Grind

          There are worse things than having to get up at 7 AM to put on a suit and head to work. But when my alarm goes off, I can't think of them. However, my summer job is pretty sick. I am not confined to a cubicle, I don't have to deal with snotty kids and I don't have to scoop ice cream. I'm not mowing lawns or yelling at middle schoolers to stop running near the pool, I'm working for the big bad government and actually enjoying it. I already have a bit going with the Speaker of the House and I've effectively claimed the seat in the House gallery with the most leg room that happens to be right by the one open window. In one week I have achieved veteran status. I'm also the youngest person legitimately working at the state house (The pages don't count because they are literally seven years old) so I do have that going for me. I usually find myself in the cafeteria in the basement for lunch (Unless my boss decides to take me with his clients to lunch. So I usually find myself in the cafeteria) and I'm a novelty. The Senators' and Representatives' interns all work in their headquarters in their counties or districts so a college kid in the state house? "It's just swell to see a young person take an interest in their state." So that will usually get me a free lunch. It's no dream job (I wouldn't mind these offices) but I'm getting paper, if you will, and thank god I'm not doing it while wearing an orange vest and holding a stop/slow sign. 

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